A Starter DSLR Kit
Those who are just entering the field of DSLR photography can easily be intimidated by the sheer vastness of the information and choices out there. Therefore, I'll describe what I think of as a good starter DSLR kit, i.e. my kit. But before I do that, I'll present you with the bare minimum terminology that you need to understand if you're going to engage in DSLR photography. There are two foundational concepts you need to get your arms around -- focal length and aperture. In looking at these two major topics you will also get introduced to some other peripheral terms, which I have underlined so that you don't miss them. Focal length. The focal length is the distance between the lens and the film . (In the case of digital cameras, the role of the film is played by the image sensor .) Focal length is measured in millimeters (or mm) and is directly proportional to zoom . That is, the larger the focal length, the larger the zoom. A lens with a small focal length (i.e...