
Showing posts from December, 2024

Multitasking Is Good

  Over the last decade or more I've gotten into the habit of reading multiple books at once .  I'm using the multitasking analogy from how computers appear to be running multiple applications or programs at once. Let's consider a scenario . You're writing a report using Microsoft Word and you're also searching on Google to get answers to questions you want to address in your report. Your Chrome browser is also running a tab with Gmail and just alerted you to inform you that you have a reminder email letting you know that your report is due tomorrow.  All of this is seemingly happening concurrently . That is what we generally mean when we talk about multitasking. To keep things simple, let's take the single processor (CPU) example. Since it's a single processor, it can really only be running one application at a time. So, what's actually happening is that the processor is switching between the three applications (Word, Google Search, and Gmail) several t...

How LLMs Work

If you want to understand how LLMs work, this video is BOMB. Will you be writing your own LLMs soon? You could. But better to think of it as the equivalent of being able to see the list of recommended actions suggested by your dealership during your next oil change and feeling confident enough to say, "Do these 2 now and let's defer the rest until next time." If you really did want to build your own LLM, this book with code on GitHub  is probably one of the best resources. But an even better approach is to learn from the video and the book and then "teach" it (little or no coding, once you understand the levers available to you) to do your bidding. Good luck!