Creating a Custom Syntax in Sublime
As I wrote in a previous post , about five years ago I completely transitioned from handwritten notes to digital notes. I ended up choosing Sublime (aka Sublime Text 3) as my text editor and have stuck with it. The file structure I use for notes is as follows: A daily file named mmddyy.txt for all notes related to that day (mostly work-related, but can also include personal stuff like a random conversation with a school teacher that has no other home) Topical files for notes relating to specific technologies, e.g. python-notes.txt Topical files for notes relating to other topics, e.g. chess-notes.txt Although the topical files don't need to be searched via the file system, the daily notes often need to be searched in a way that can search across all files to, for example, find a note regarding a specific client conversation that happened sometime in the year 2020. Using a plain text format for these notes not only removes any dependence on a proprietary product, e.g. Evernote, but...