
Showing posts from April, 2020

Managing Multiple Java Versions on Mac

I've recently seen a lot of folks struggling with this, so I figured I would document the approach I'm using. Firstly, the best way to install most programs on the Mac is obviously Homebrew . However, whereas Homebrew works fine to install OpenJDK versions of Java, the Oracle versions are not available on Homebrew (or any of the Casks) as I write this post. So, you will need to download the installer from Oracle's website (requires registration). Make sure you pay attention to whether you need the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit). The JRE is sufficient if all you need to do is run a Java application or another application that runs on the Java VM. The JDK is needed if you need to compile or build Java programs. JREs and JDKs are designed to allow multiple versions to co-exist peacefully on the same machine. If the installer asks you to uninstall an older version, that's usually a recommendation aimed at preventing you from continu...

Oh Henry! Oh Canada!

Oh Henry! (Canadian Packaging) I was watching the documentary Catfish and was suddenly reminded of the Oh Henry! chocolate bar that I used to love during university days in Canada. I've always had an obsession with peanuts, all the way from taking peanut butter sandwiches to school, to loving chocolate peanut butter ice-cream (especially Haagen-Dazs). Turns out the Canadian version (pictured here) isn't available in the US. No wonder I've been missing it! Oh Henry! Oh Canada!

AEM | Considerations for Deciding Between One Global Instance and Multiple Regional Instances (e.g. Europe and US)

An instance can contain multiple web sites. Each web site can contain pages for multiple languages and locales (i.e. regions). OSGI configurations are global (i.e. they apply universally across the entire instance) and are used to control things like how many old versions of a page to keep as a page goes through modifications or edits. Most OSGI configurations can be as loose or as tight as you want them to be. If they are loose, they allow more control at the individual web site level. If they are tight, they allow less control at the individual web site level. All remaining elements of an AEM setup, such as user groups and users, assets (images, videos, PDFs), OSGI bundles, code, templates, components, rollout configurations, workflows, integrations, etc. can be seamlessly made available across an instance. Individual web sites can choose to reuse them or create their own. Reuse is easier across a single instance but also achieved easily enough across multiple instances via ...