Multitasking Is Good
Over the last decade or more I've gotten into the habit of reading multiple books at once . I'm using the multitasking analogy from how computers appear to be running multiple applications or programs at once. Let's consider a scenario . You're writing a report using Microsoft Word and you're also searching on Google to get answers to questions you want to address in your report. Your Chrome browser is also running a tab with Gmail and just alerted you to inform you that you have a reminder email letting you know that your report is due tomorrow. All of this is seemingly happening concurrently . That is what we generally mean when we talk about multitasking. To keep things simple, let's take the single processor (CPU) example. Since it's a single processor, it can really only be running one application at a time. So, what's actually happening is that the processor is switching between the three applications (Word, Google Search, and Gmail) several t...